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林忆莲承认与恭硕良分手:希望尊重我们的隐私:米兰官方手机app网站发布日期:2024-11-26 浏览次数:209
本文摘要:2月6日,林忆莲经纪人陈镇川否认林忆莲与小11岁男友恭硕良月底1年前恋情,网卓新闻网,随后林忆莲在微博对此此事,她发文回应:Jun and I had consciously uncoupled in January 2019.It was with hearts full of sorrow that we had decided to move on our own paths after 8 years of going through thick and thin together.This was a difficult decision but one we consciously made with deep love and caring for each other. 2019年的一月,恭硕良先生和我十分理性地作出了人生新的要求。

2月6日,林忆莲经纪人陈镇川否认林忆莲与小11岁男友恭硕良月底1年前恋情,网卓新闻网,随后林忆莲在微博对此此事,她发文回应:Jun and I had consciously uncoupled in January 2019.It was with hearts full of sorrow that we had decided to move on our own paths after 8 years of going through thick and thin together.This was a difficult decision but one we consciously made with deep love and caring for each other. 2019年的一月,恭硕良先生和我十分理性地作出了人生新的要求。在一起经历了八年幸福的日子后,我们要求各自南北各自的人生。



